sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010


Es un líquido negro que bebemos que también se llama "java", y que siempre debe ir acompañado de la palabra “cup”: A cup of coffee. “He was offered a cup of coffee soon after boarding.” The Desert Sun, 14 May, 2010.
“McDonald's can't protect every clumsy customer that drives a car with a scalding hot cup of coffee between their legs.” PCWorld, 14 May, 2010.
“I would visit my grandparents on Sunday mornings and enjoy a cup of java – heavily laden with milk and sugar, mind you – with my grandfather.” St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 11, May, 2010.
“A cup of java also has its share of antioxidants that may protect against certain cancers and cardiovascular disease…” Marco Island Sun Times, 13 May, 2010.

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