I intone the mea culpa and offer my apologies. And now I will write the rationale behind my about-face on the matter.

Probably 95 percent of the world’s 7500 million people speak only one language. They seem to get by being mono-linguists and are happy as larks speaking only Swahili, Bambara, Tagalog, Italian, Bubi and other languages.

Many of these one-language humans are successful at their callings, lead happy lives, have families, travel, eat at their hearts’ content, all oblivious to the fact that others speak differently. So what? If so many people can make it through life speaking only one language or dialect, why should we not be able to go it alone in a sea of diverse tongues?

(Read the rest at:  http://voxxi.com/2013/06/30/why-we-should-not-learn-foreign-languages/)