martes, 22 de julio de 2014


To lie, lied, lying, mentir. Don’t lie to me! ¡no me mientas!
To lie through one’s teeth, es un cliché, como el castellano, que es mentir como un bellaco. “He might still be saying—lying through his teeth—that her breasts were as firm as ever.” D. M. Thomas, Lying together. (London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1990).
Bob lies through his teeth about practically everything, Bob miente como un bellaco sobre casi todo.
Mentiroso es liar, con “a”.

To lie, lay, lain, lying, yacer, tumbar(se), recostar. I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. He’s lying down. Es un verbo intransitivo: no lleva nada detrás y no podemos decir, por ejemplo, She is lying the bread on the table. Pero sí podemos decir: He lies on the sofa all day, doing nothing. She’s lain in bed all day.

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