Whenever neuroscientists tell us about the capacity and plasticity of the brain, they unavoidably mention language acquisition. Dr. Lara Boyd , University of British Columbia, in her lecture-chat on TED , "After watchicng this your brain will not be the same" where she tells us about the plasticity and physical changes that occur in learning. Her chat sounded familiar. There was a ring to it. Yes, she was saying what Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal said over a century ago. He said, among many other things: "If he so proposes, every man can be the architect of his own brain" which is my translation of his words: "... todo hombre puede ser, si se lo propone, arquitecto de su propio cerebro..." ( Los tónico de la voluntad , 1912.) The gist ( busilis ) of it is that each one of us has a given potential, both scientists tell us, different from the potential of others. Some find it easier to learn a language, while others may find it more complicated or t...