Los siguientes verbos deben ir seguidos de gerundio:
Admit (reconocer) He admits taking the money
Avoid (evitar) He avoids greeting me on the street
Can’t help (no poder evitar) In spring I can’t help sneezing all the time
Consider (considerar) I would not consider accepting the job
Deny (negar) He denies having broken the jar
Detest (detestar) I detest working in this place
Dislike (no gustar) They dislike eating out
Finish (terminar) I will finish taking the test at five
Hate (odiar) I hate working on Sundays
Mind (importar) Do you mind passing the salt?
Permit permitir) I will not permit loafing in my office
Quit (dejar) Quit shouting
Risk (arriesgar) I will not risk going out in this bad weather
Spend (pasar) I spend my time sleeping
Admit (reconocer) He admits taking the money
Avoid (evitar) He avoids greeting me on the street
Can’t help (no poder evitar) In spring I can’t help sneezing all the time
Consider (considerar) I would not consider accepting the job
Deny (negar) He denies having broken the jar
Detest (detestar) I detest working in this place
Dislike (no gustar) They dislike eating out
Finish (terminar) I will finish taking the test at five
Hate (odiar) I hate working on Sundays
Mind (importar) Do you mind passing the salt?
Permit permitir) I will not permit loafing in my office
Quit (dejar) Quit shouting
Risk (arriesgar) I will not risk going out in this bad weather
Spend (pasar) I spend my time sleeping
qué tipo de etiqueta puede ser "berbos y gerundios" Profesor Carbonel?
Very funny!!! El otro día en un articulito en inglés escribí "contry" por "country". Ya sabe usted, mi querido amigo, que el sistema "qwerty" de los teclados en inglés y castellano se adoptó sin orden ni concierto... y pusieron la "b" al lado de la "v" para fastidiarme a mí. De todas formas, es usted muy amable in pointing this out to me. Eso lo he escrito yo y no tengo perdón de Dios. (Hay otra posible variante "Bervos" que marearía al personal. Gracias. Muchas.