The 15-minute-a-day method for language learning
15 minutes seem like nothing... but added to another 15, day after day, 365 times a year, can accomplish a lot. A total of 91 hours and 25 minutes. Not bad.
The difference between love and language learning is that the latter is for ever. So we cannot set goals. We can set study and concentration time, daily. And I am speaking about language in general, any language, even our own.
As our communication skill and tool, we must perfect language daily.
I propose the for language empowerment, which could go like this:
15-minute-a-day method
Monday.- Reading a short excerpt from an on-line newspaper. Perhaps a few headlines. It is important to look up words, phrases, to add to our knowledge.
Tuesday.- Grammar is never mastered and there are always plenty of points we should review. For those who are studying English, my Gramática inglesa para torpes (Anaya, 2013) will be of help. It is simple, easy and to the point.
Wednesday. Listening to a YouTube excerpt. They are short and deal with everything, from poetry to sewing to carpentry. Whatever.
Thursday.- Writing to a friend or to a business partner in English must be done. Ask the recipient to correct your mistakes and take note. Of course, ask someone whose language is educated.
Friday.- Phonetics is paramount. We must pronounce well in order to understand and be understood. In English this is essential. For those who are studying it my Phonética inglesa para torpes (Anaya, set. 2015) will be of help.
Saturday.- If you cannot converse with anyone, have out-loud monologues, or think in English for 15 minutes. If you need vocabulary, check a dictionary.
An on Sunday start all over again.
And then, of course, you can also, in addition to the above, have a regular class with a teacher.
I know that the 15-minute-a-day method is not easy. It is difficult to follow, like slimming diets and physical exercise, but it is meant for tough people, resilient people, winners. They will stick to it.
The difference between love and language learning is that the latter is for ever. So we cannot set goals. We can set study and concentration time, daily. And I am speaking about language in general, any language, even our own.
As our communication skill and tool, we must perfect language daily.
I propose the for language empowerment, which could go like this:
15-minute-a-day method
Monday.- Reading a short excerpt from an on-line newspaper. Perhaps a few headlines. It is important to look up words, phrases, to add to our knowledge.
Tuesday.- Grammar is never mastered and there are always plenty of points we should review. For those who are studying English, my Gramática inglesa para torpes (Anaya, 2013) will be of help. It is simple, easy and to the point.
Wednesday. Listening to a YouTube excerpt. They are short and deal with everything, from poetry to sewing to carpentry. Whatever.
Thursday.- Writing to a friend or to a business partner in English must be done. Ask the recipient to correct your mistakes and take note. Of course, ask someone whose language is educated.
Friday.- Phonetics is paramount. We must pronounce well in order to understand and be understood. In English this is essential. For those who are studying it my Phonética inglesa para torpes (Anaya, set. 2015) will be of help.
Saturday.- If you cannot converse with anyone, have out-loud monologues, or think in English for 15 minutes. If you need vocabulary, check a dictionary.
An on Sunday start all over again.
And then, of course, you can also, in addition to the above, have a regular class with a teacher.
I know that the 15-minute-a-day method is not easy. It is difficult to follow, like slimming diets and physical exercise, but it is meant for tough people, resilient people, winners. They will stick to it.
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