Clichés, English and Spanish
A cliché is a sentence or phrase that has been used so much over time that it has become conventional, banal, and ineffective. It adds nothing to our writing and shows mental laziness. They are also known as trite expressions or frases manidas. For example: To rain cats and dogs, crystal clear, no doubt, look like a million dollars, have a nice day … that may be used in our daily life, but not when we are speaking or writing seriously. I have received your letter dat … In answer to your letter I am writing to you in order to … are hateful and unnecessary clichés in the business world. Clichés exist in every language and are taught to learners as part of their linguistic training, without ever telling them to be careful with their use when speaking or writing. Eric Jackson writes in Forbes magazine: "My advice, however, would be for you to avoid all of these hackneyed phrases (trilladas, gastadas) and find a more original way of talking/thinking about the problems you...