Emperor Charles V and Languages
Supposedly he said (one version):
German is the language to speak to soldiers.
French is perfect to talk to women.
Italian is ideal to address angels.
Spanish is perfect to talk to men.
This is because he is supposed to have been a polyglot. But rumors have it that he was not so good at languages and had only a passing knowledge of them, except French, his mother tongue, the language he used in private. He spoke broken Flemish, Spanish, Italian, German, and some Latin.
No language is better than another which reminds me of Thomas Merton, (1915-1968), whose autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain impressed me in my youth. In this book he explains that he used Spanish to talk to God. In his prayers he never used French or English, only Spanish which he found more suitable. But, why? What difference would it make? Search me!
We will dwell upon this at a later post.
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