domingo, 13 de junio de 2021



Last night I had another crazy dream, where everything is possible. I was in Pittsburgh (many of my dreams take place there), and I was swimming happily in a public swimming pool in North Park. But then, zoom, I was in Argentina. Why? Goodness knows, this is the stuff dreams are made of, as the poet said. But I wanted to continue with my refreshing activity. I explained where I wanted to go to an old lady: "Ah, querés ir a una pileta."  Before I was able to answer I was flown to Mexico where I still wanted to swim. So I said "pileta, pileta" to no avail. A young girl came to my rescue and told me I wanted to go to an alberca. "Piletas are albercas here." I could not even thank her because suddenly, in my dream, I was in Seville. As I am pigheaded even in my dreams, I went around saying "pileta, alberca" until a cop said: "¿Pileta? ¿alberca?" You want to go to a piscina. But then I woke up in a sweat, confused and flabbergasted. 

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