Is 10/11/2021 the 10th of November or October the 11th?


All languages have writing guidelines that must be followed lest the writer risks being misunderstood. However, when such rules lead to confusion and even danger, they must be broken, changed, or improved. I am referring to dates, such as October 25, 2023, which appears as 25/10/2023 in Spain and UK, and 10/25/2023 in the United States.

Lizbeth Dresden advised me of an article in El País about this subject (La vergüenza que pasó una familia por la errónea traducción de una denuncia de EE.UU por pederastia), which shows how dangerous it is to continue with this anomaly in transcribing dates.

I propose changing to Roman numerals for months so that the above date would appear as 25/X/2023, or X/25/2023. Either way, the possibility of error in translation is avoided. 25/XII/2023 would correspond to 25 December 2023. What do you think?


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