Be (go into) in labor Estar (ponerse) de parto

John´s wife is in labor in the hospital La mujer de Juan está de parto en el hospital

“I always knew that the most important moments to capture in this project would be when Jeanette went into labor and gave birth.” Mary Ellen Mark, Mary Ellen Mark: Exposure, 2005. US. 

Forced (hard) labor Trabajos forzados

He was sentenced to 50 years of hard labor

Labor of love Trabajo de amor

This embroidery is a true labor of love Este bordado es un verdadero trabajo de amor

“This book was a labor of love, and lots of people were part of the effort.” John C. Perry, Myths and Realities of American Slavery…, 2003. US. 

Labor pains Dolores de parto

She´s shouting; I guess she´s in labor pains Está gritando; presumo que tiene dolores de parto

“The contractions of the uterus produce normal labor pains.” Daniel Limmer et al., Emmergency Care, 2002. US.

Labor under difficulties Trabajar en condiciones difíciles

This pandemic forces us to labor under great difficulties Esta pandemia nos obliga a trabajar en condiciones muy difíciles

“He told them that the colonists had long labored under difficulties and hardships by debts contracted in the Indian…” Edward McCrady, The History of South Carolina…, 2008. US.

Parts and labor Piezas y mano de obra

I must charge parts and labor Debo cobrar piezas y mano de obra

“No administrative charge shall be imposed if the total estimated cost of parts and labor is one hundred dollars or less.” Statutes of California, vol. 3, 5252. US.

The fruit of one´s labor El resultado (fruto) del trabajo de uno

The Gold Medal is the fruit of my labor La medalla de oro es el resultado de mi trabajo

“It takes self-control to apply the effort to a field that is not immediately producing and patience awaiting the fruit of his labor to materialize.” AI L. Holloway, The Fruit of the Spirit…, 2008. US.


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