Life is ritual, from birth to death. 
Rituals govern and channel our daily activities and give us a sense of security. Ponder on it.
In the quest to acquire, improve, master, a foreign language, it might be a good aid to use retualistic habits to achieve our goals. On a daily basis.

Five Rituals that will surely help you improve:

1. Language is sound and daily out-loud slow reading of a few lines of a novel, newspaper clipping or short poem will give you assurance in speaking.
2. The daily ritual of listening to the language of your choice, even if only for 5 minutes, will carry your comprehensive abilities far. The internet is full of short listening pieces.
3. Penning or typing an inspiring quotation several times will calm you down and give you food for thought in your target language.
4. When the day is over, once in bed, close your eyes and review your activites in the language you are studying, English in our case. You will fall asleep thinking in English.
5. Write a short email, at least once a day. Ask questions. People like to be asked because it makes them feel important. 

These rituals will take you a long way in your language studies, if you persist. Persistence is the key   


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