A teacher of slow reading

Nietzsche, el músico frustrado que inspiró a los compositores

I started reading Nietzsche at 16. Right now I am in the midsts of Irving Yalom´s When Nietzsche Wept. He was a philologist, as you know, and in his Preface to Dawn he writes:
"I have not been a philologist in vain - perhaps I am not one yet: a teacher of slow reading. I even come to write slowly. At present it is not only my habit but even my taste... For philology is that venerable art which exacts from its followers one thing above all - to step to one side, to leave themselves spare moments, to grow silent, to become slow... it teaches how to read well, i.e. slowly, profoundly, attentively, prudently, with inner thoughts... learn to read well!"


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