For those interested in Hispanic Language, Culture, and Literature, I recommend the RTVE2 educational program Un país para leerlo, which is piloted by the poet Raquel Lanseras. Every week, Raquel visits a different Spanish city, shows its sights, and interviews local authors and bookstores. Locals recommend books they are reading, and authors read excerpts from their publications while booksellers explain about their patrons and the titles they have. You can hear about the Spanish cultural scene straight from the horse´s mouth while admiring the beauty of Zamora, Málaga, Cuenca, or whatever city Raquel Lanseras is visiting this particular week. The slow, well-thought-out, and fluent Spanish will give you new insights into Spain´s contemporary literature. I watch Un país para leerlo every week and find it a joy. Again, to practice listening to good Spanish and watch eye-opening views of the cities of Spain, give the program a try. I am certain you will thank me for it.
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