To write well and effectively is not as hard as it seems, in either language. Of course, we must have a good command of grammar and vocabulary.
Let me give you 5 tips:
1. Do not pen 3 words when 1 will do.
2. Never beat around the bush. Go straight to the point.
3. Use dictionaries of synonyms. There is always a word that expresses your thought better than the one you first chose.
4. Use dictionaries to make sure the chosen word has the meaning you think it has.
5. Simplicity is the golden rule.
-To beat around the bush, irse por las ramas.
- Go straight to the point, ir derecho al grano.
-Golden rule, regla de oro.
You can also check my book ESCRIBIR Y COMUNICAR EN INGLÉS, de Oberón/Anaya, 2017.
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