I am getting close to being a basket case, what with so many idioms in English and Spanish for so many hours daily for over three years. I use all the tools I have access to and at my fingertips. I am a thrall to reference sources, be they paper dictionaries, encyclopedias, or the internet. The latter can make anyone climb the walls of lexicography and make one dread the possibility of ending up in Bedlam. LINGUEE, for example, claims to have 10000000000 entries in its database, and yet every time I consult this huge store of words and idioms, they miss the mark. This may not be LINGUEE´s, fault because, after all, this is just a collection of words and idioms taken from actual translations... but those examples offered, poor as they are, reflect the state of translations in general and how difficult it is to avail oneself of bona fide parallel idiomatic phrases. The Internet is still far from solving language problems like the ones I am laboring to solve in my Phraseological Dictionary, English-Spanish.
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