It seems that the capacity for language use and acquisition is located in the brain's left hemisphere. In my neuroscientific ignorance, I suppose that scientists have come to this conclusion by trial and error: we poke this spot in the brain and you cannot move your left arm; we needle this other spot and you cannot speak... etc. However, I have a doubt: if one language is located in the brain´s left hemisphere, two (or three) languages must also be located in the same place... but how? Are all languages crowded together? How does the brain differentiate one from another? When I speak English, where does my Spanish stay? And vice versa. I reckon all languages I know are located in the left hemisphere, but in different locations, right? Why doesn´t the brain get all mixed up and confuses words and expressions? A mystery. This mystery I shall unravel in my next life. In the meantime, think about this as it bears on language learning.
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