Just as exercise is vital in keeping our body fit, LOL (laughing out loud) is required to keep our mental health fine-tuned. I will not dwell on this because it is common knowledge: a good guffaw does wonders for our mental well-being once in a while. And for language? How can we keep it fine-tuned on a daily basis? Practicing ROL (reading out loud) often. I read out loud (ROL) in English and Spanish as often as possible. Reading in silence or to oneself is fine, of course, but this practice of ROL does drill the vocal cords or the movement of the tongue and lips which are essential in oral communication. ROL slowly, pronouncing carefully, using the proper intonation and modulation. A short paragraph will do and will only take a few minutes of your valuable time. Fancy you are an actor declaiming to an audience, book in hand: make them become interested in your reading and try to charm them with your voice. Enjoy the sounds of the language and vibrate with them. Thus read, the sounds of Spanish and the sounds of English will become magical, music to the ears. You will become aware of the beauty, the musicality of language, the miracle of language. Do me the favor of trying ROL and listening to yourself. Thank you.
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