Be a close-knit family Familia muy unida

David pertenece a una familia muy unida David belongs to a close-knit family

Be from a good family Ser de buena familia

John is from a very good New York family Juan es de una buena familia neoyorquina

Be in the family way Estar en estado de buena esperanza

Is your wife in the family way? ¿Está tu mujer en estado de buena esperanza?

Be like a member of the family (part of the family) Ser de la casa, como de la familia

John is like a member of the family Juan es de la casa

Family jewels Los testículos, genitales

The rock hit him in the family jewels and was taken to the hospital La roca le golpeó en los genitales y le trasladaron al hospital

Family ties Lazos familiares

I have family ties in Hong Kong Tengo lazos familiares en Hong Kong

Happen in the best families Pasar (ocurrir) en las mejores familias

That happens in the best families Eso pasa en las mejores familias

It stays in the family Todo queda en casa

It’s ok by me as long as it stays in the family Me parece bien mientras todo quede en casa

One big, happy family Una familia feliz

The Smiths are one, big happy family Los Smith son una familia feliz

Run in the family Ser (cosa de) de familia, venir de familia

His bad temper runs in the family Su mala leche es de familia

The family that prays together, stays together La familia que reza junta, permanece junta

My priest says that the family that prays together, stays together El cura dice que la familia que reza junta, permanece junta


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