A feast fit for a king Un festín digno de un rey

It was a feast fit for a king Fue un festín digno de un rey

“Well then he deserves a feast fit for a king.” Kieran Wasserman, The Battle for Eire, 2005. US.

After a (the) feast (dinner) comes the reckoning Después de un gustazo, un trancazo, al freír será el reír, y al pagar será el llorar

Now we must pay the bill, after a feast comes the reckoning Ahora tenemos que abonar la cuenta, después de un gustazo, un trancazo

“After the feast comes the reckoning a period of pleasure or indulgence has to be paid for; recorded from the early 17th century, but now chiefly in modern North American use.” Elizabeth Knowles, The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 2006. UK

Feast one´s eyes on Regalarse la vista con

I feasted my eyes on the cakes Me regalé la vista con los pasteles


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