A sad day: 31st Jan., 2020

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I have expressed my dislike for the English many times. I have no liking for the English at large, for private reasons. I say English, not British, mind you. And yet, a paradox, I admire them. They have character traits that leave me in awe: they have a boundless curiosity for everything, they have discipline, they are hardworking, they have created the best universities and scholars in the world, a wonderful educational system, the Oxford English Dictionary, a riveting literature, and the language. What else could we ask for?
Today is a sad day because the English are leaving the European Union, and dragging Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland along with them. A pity. We cannot congratulate ourselves.
Today Europe is the less, as John Donne put it: "... every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less..."


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