Some time ago I had an article published (Viva Fifty) entitled "Every day to a more powerful vocabulary" in which I made a rundown of books inciting readers to expand their vocabulary in a brief period of time. The quiddity of it was that the "powerful" vocabulary was made up of unusual, recondite, and useless words. Of late I have been receiving emails from "Stream of Words" very apropos of this. They want the recipient to choose the right word for a sentence. The choices are: "alacritous, balter, incisive, contrapositive, vituperative, ripost, lipomatous..." and such. Of course, I am all for improving and enhancing one´s trove of words... but words with which we can actually communicate with an average educated person, and not words nobody has ever heard of. 

Improve your vocabulary, not from lists, but from your readings, in context. 


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