Bear fruit Dar fruto

The work has borne fruit and we have more clients now El trabajo ha dado fruto y tenemos más clients ahora

By their fruits you shall know them Por sus frutos les conoceréis

Matthew tells us, 7:19-20, by their fruits you shall know them San Mateo, 7:19-20, nos dice que por sus frutos les conoceréis

He that would have (eat) the fruit, must climb the tree No dan a quien no acude, quien algo quiere, algo le cuesta

Ask for the job; he that would have the fruit, must climb the tree Pide el puesto; no dan a quien no acude

Stolen fruit (water) is sweetest El fruto prohibido es el más apetecido

It is said that stolen fruit is sweetest Ya se dice que el fruto prohibido es el más apetecido


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