We all know the feeling of dismay, despondency, and disinterest that Steven Pressfield calls Resistance (with a capital r) when the thought that we are not getting anywhere grips us and makes us falter. I am referring to any task or endeavor we are undertaking. In our case, it is language learning. In older times we knew this as a plateau, a stage where we hesitate and believe firmly that all our efforts are worthless, that we are wasting our time, and even worse, that we are not up to the project, are not cut out for it. We think that no matter our efforts, we will never accomplish or master anything. Be assured that this happens often (I refer you to The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield) and we must redouble our efforts, say vade retro, satanas, and keep on going. We will learn the language and not let up, knowing that this is a life project and that we are in no hurry. At my age, I still doubt myself, but I keep on tilting at windmills and will struggle till the end.
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