Barak Obama's Spanish Interpreter

President Obama made a quick visit to Madrid last week. He met the acting President of the Spanish Government at the Palacio de la Moncloa.
Obama spoke well -per usual- and in a chatty, matter-of-fact tone after the private meeting.
His interpreter, a woman, voiced over in Spanish what Obama was saying in English.
She is not a professional, of course, and that is evident listening to the renderings of the talk she gave us. But the worst thing is that she kept repeating "hispanoparlante," for Spanish speaker.
In Spanish the verb is "hablar" and "parlar" has another facetious meaning.
Those who speak Spanish are "hispanohablantes."
Shame on those who keep repeating "hispanoparlante."
(I am aware of the snags that come up in interpreting. No easy task.)


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