Correct others and make enemies


People love to correct others. There is always a chance that you will be corrected, in English or Spanish. In that case, keep mum; don't get into an argument. You will be wasting your time. Avoid a confrontation. An argument about language is a losing battle.

I get corrected in English, Spanish, French... An orgy of corrections. But I like to see the happy faces of those who assume the role of my teachers. I read in their face: "I caught you. You said “apóstrofo” for “opóstrofe.” You think you are so smart." And that makes them happy. And it makes me happy too.

If, on the other hand, you want to go through life making enemies, you have it easy: You tell your boss: "Look, Ambrosio, it's not “I speak very well English,” which shows that you know nothing about that language, but “I speak English very well.” One cannot bend syntax that way.” And your boss will hate you forever, especially if you correct him in front of other employees.


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