In our quest for bilingualism, we can never let our guard down, and we must be vigilant at all times because either language tries to interfere with the other constantly. This attitude one must take regardless of the languages involved, which may be Chinese-English, French-Afrikaans, or Tagalog-English. Luckily for us, both English and Spanish have a lot in common: vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, proverbs, and cultural and historical ties.

Remember that I aim at bilingualism which, for me, means owning two languages at the same level. And this is the hurdle we have to overcome constantly: we must sharpen our linguistic skills in TWO tongues, never allowing one to take preference over the other. I must stress this point because many think that improving ONE language is enough. The TWO languages we use daily must be kept up to par. And remember that we learn languages through speaking; through reading, we improve them, and we show our mastery of them by writing.


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