Chloe, my eldest granddaughter, who lives and works in Lake Tahoe, USA, told me this afternoon that she has been practicing Spanish a lot these days, to the point that she even dreams in Spanish. Why? A friend of hers from Spain has come to visit. His English is very good, it seems, but he has been getting headaches due to having to speak English all the time, and he prefers to switch languages to rest. There´s more to this than meets the eye. It is true that speaking a foreign language, no matter how fluent you are, is very stressful intellectually, psychologically, and even physically. It can bring about headaches, as in the case of the visitor. It could point to the level of proficiency one has: if one is able to speak the second language for hours without getting a splitting headache, then it has been mastered. Do you get a headache when you speak Spanish for hours?


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