I have read only one title by Milan Kundera (1929-2023), in Spanish. I have heard a lot about him but he never excited my curiosity much. Don´t ask me why. He has just passed away and although his literary figure has been mentioned, not much ink has been spilt over his literary production. He wrote in Czech until he moved to France in 1975 and immersed himself in the language and culture of his adopted country, to the point of switching languages. La lenteur, Slowness, was his first French-language work, published in 1995, at the age of 66. This may sort of prove that it´s never too late to master a language and master it to the point of being able to write it well. Kundera wanted to be considered a French-language writer. He joins the club made up of Conrad, Nabokov, Koestler, Sabatini, and so many others, who chose the language they wanted to write in.
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