BAT Gallery, Alberto Cornejo
If you chance to visit the Village of Madrid soon, may I venture to challenge you to get off the beaten path prepared by tourist mongers, and visit an Art Gallery that will enthuse you? Not only is the setting out of the ordinary, but it is also enveloped by well-chosen music that somehow always manages to match the contemporary art exhibited on its walls. You will find contemporary paintings, prints and all sorts of art mementos, souvenis, that will become cherished objects to remember your visit by. Everything at affordable and reasonable prices, and all off the beaten track.
Tell the director, Alberto Cornejo, that Delfín sends you, and you will receive a warm welcome and a tour of the Gallery.
Calle María de Guzmán, 61, 28003 Madrid.
PS. The official title of Madrid is that of "village" (villa), not city.
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