Of trains and languages

Image result for train

(I dedicate this post to Alberto Cornejo Alcaraz.)

A train is a means of transportation that can convey us to a new life, new experiences, new cities, exciting and different weather conditions, adventures, love, knowledge. A train is a means, not an end in itself altough is can be, in the sense that the ride can be enjoyable also: The rattling of the wheels, the whistling of the engine, the comfort of the seats, the countryside passing by.

Let´s change the word "train" and replace it by "language." A new language is a means that can convey us to new experiences, meeting new people, the strange adventures of different literatures, weird ways of seeing reality, a passport to the meeting of true minds, friendship and adventure. Even romance and love. A different language is not an end in itself although it can be, in the sense that learning it can be enjoyable: the different sounds, the weird syntax, the funny idiomatic expressions, the shocking slang...

I urge all to hop into the language train and enjoy a lifetime adventure of new feelings, sounds, ideas and attitudes. Come on! 


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