I am a firm believer in routines. Routines become habits and, as we all know, habits die hard. Also, routines give us a sense of security, and a sense of purpose, which may strengthen our way to the goals we have set up for ourselves. You will allow me to let you into my linguistic daily routines.
Every day and I mean 7/7, and for fifteen minutes, I read aloud, slowly, trying to savor the sounds, and excerpts from a novel I am studying, which at present are:
Spanish: Irene Vallejo, El infinito en un junco.
English: Irving D. Yalom, When Nietzsche Wept.
French: Guy de Maupassant, Le Horla.
Valenciano: Vicent Marqués: Nit de foc.
I read, again, out loud underlining or highlighting expressions, new words, or ideas. It takes an hour a day which, out of 24, is a meager amount of time.
I have other routines, of course, like exercising, blogging, and researching and writing.   


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