Some years ago, when I was running a language school, one of the teachers loved to debate with me about historical British-Hispanic relationships. I felt ill at ease because she was English but her face looked oriental, in fact, her parents were Chinese. I could not accuse her of her people having taken Gibraltar away from Spain because her people then were in China, trying to fight the British off. Why am I dwelling on this? Well, I know that the UK´s Prime Minister, Mr. Rishi Sunak, is of Indian background, although born in London. And this morning I discovered that the new Scottish First Minister, Mr. Humsa Yousaf, is of Pakistani extraction. Fancy that. I applaud and am in favor of both democratic appointments, of course, which show how far the UK has gone from the days of A Passage to India, by E.M. Forster, a hundred years ago. Bravo!
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