Spare me the drama, please

Hamlet, príncipe de Dinamarca y Ophelia Fecha: circa 1905 ...


This is for those who whine, grumble, moan, carp, complain and protest too much, like Ophelia. Excuses, excuses, set forth by all those slackers who pull their hair out exclaiming that languages are just impossible to learn. They will not accept responsibility for their laziness and lack of drive. "I have no time," "I am too old," "I can´t find a good teacher," "this method is not for me," "I can´t travel to New Zealand to practice," "my children get in my hair all the time"... you name it! At this stage, I have heard just about everything. Spare me the drama, I say! Keep you language drama to yourselves, and carry on with your drab, little life.


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