The bane of language
Idiomatic expressions, idioms, are the bane of learners and translators, even the bane of Google Translate "lexicographers," and "goofies" behind DeepL.
-- "Usted es muy dueño de hacer lo que quiera" is rendered by DeepL as "you are very much in charge of doing what you want" instead of "you are very much at liberty to do what you want."
-- "El jefe nos tiene a todos en un puño" appears as "the boss has all in a fist" rather than "under his thumb."
-- "Coger el rábano por las hojas" is given as "pick up the radish by the leaves" and skirts the "to put the cart before the horse."
-- "Una merienda de negros" turns out as "black market snack" when "a Chinese fire drill" would be a better equivalent. No offense meant, either way.
-- "Bebo una cerveza de Pascuas a Ramos" is jokingly rendered as "I drink an Easter beer to bouquets."
Still, I take my hat off to them because they have improved very much... but not enought.
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