Funny Spanish idioms

Idiomatic expressions are the spice of language, wrapping up thought in nonsense phrases rooted in the lore of yesteryear. One such is "Tomar por el pito del sereno"  (not take seriously, not pay attention). "En esta oficina nadie me hace caso, me han tomado por el pito del sereno." Years ago, night watchmen in Spain carried a whistle to alert of danger and the like, but some blew the whistle so much that finally people paid no attention. 

"Cortar el bacalao" (to call the shots, be in command.) Just as in the States the head of the family carves the Thanksgiving turkey, so years ago it was the father in housholds who cut the cod, an expensive and status-symbol fish.  "En esta empresa el único que corta el bacalao soy yo."

"Cargar con el muerto" - Take the blame. "Ser cabeza de turco" - Be the scapegoat. "Hacerse el sueco" - Play dumb, pretend not to know. "Dar un cuarto al pregonero" Gossip, tell tales.  


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