Spanish "ceceo" vs "seseo"

For those of us who "ceceamos" (pronounce the za, ce, ci, zo, zu, as the /th/ in think), the difference in sound between "me voy a casar" and "me voy a cazar" is clear. Not so for those who "sesean", from Andalusia, Canary Islands, some other parts of Spain, and South America. Of course, if the guy says "me voy a casar" and he is wearing a tuxedo and a black tie, the meaning is clear. If, however, he is carrying a rifle and says "me voy a cazar", the meaning is also clear. But I do not have to see a tuxedo or a gun to know what he is going to do. 

This is neither good nor bad. It´s just a phonetical fact and you either take it or leave it. But I will never misspell:

vosear / vocear
serrar / cerrar
casar / cazar
coser / cocer
segar / cegar
casa / caza
sien / cien
sima / cima

So, watch out when writing; the error is easy to spot and limns a faulty education.
The "ceceantes" are a dying breed, with only about 5 million left. 


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