Tautologías, pleonasmos y repeticiones

La tautología es una repetición innecesaria que, por desgracia, se lee y se oye mucho en inglés y castellano. Lo he visto con mis propios ojos, cita previa, candil de aceite, freír en aceite, entrar dentro, bajar abajo… Y en inglés tenemos:
·         Cell phones are really a new innovation.
·         The evening sunset was enchanting.
·         They have bought a hot water heater. 
·         I know it's true because I heard it with my own ears.
·         She always over-exaggerates.   
·         She started her presentation with a short summary.
·         He is always making predictions about the future.
·         The Sahara is a very dry desert.
·         In my opinion, I think he is wrong.
·         The storm hit at 2 p.m. in the afternoon.
·         The students will take turns, one after the other.  
·         I'm sorry to hear about your sad misfortune.


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