I read "Out of my Life and Thought" (Ous Meinem Leben und Denken) by Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), the Alsatian polymath, when I was 19. He was at the height of his fame and almost a household name in the United States at that time. He said to a lady: "La vie s´en va, la vie s´en va, madame" to which she replied, "non, la vie ne s´en va pas, c´est nous que nous en allons."
I liked that and even memorized it, only to find out years later that Dr. Schweitzer had either quoted or paraphrased Pierre Ronsard (1524-1585): "Le temps s´en va, le temps s´en va, madame. Las! Le temps, non. mais nous nous en allons!"
The point of the above pedantry is to warn all and sundry to beware of quotations from others and to always double-check. When in doubt, check it out!
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