The English version of the title may have thrown you astray to think that this post deals with the meaning of what we all call "life." The Spanish version, however, sets things right because there is no definite article. I mean to inquire into the meaning of the word "life" when we say that "life is difficult," for instance. Bilinguals have the upper hand over monolinguals in many ways, but also in parallel lexicography. We are able to compare definitions and see the extent to which they differ from language to language. 

"Facultad para crecer, renovar la propia sustancia, reproducirse, etc. que tienen los animales y las plants." Dicc. de María Moliner.

"The sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment." So says The Random House Dictionary

When we seek the meaning of a word in one language, we can search for its meaning in the other language, thus getting a better perspective.

But, methinks life is the ability to think about life. Oh, well, never mind, pay no heed to my silly words because today I don´t know whether I´m coming or going. 

But do look up the meaning of words in dictionaries, and compare them.


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