In the back of the mind of so-called "anglos", Hispanic people are procrastinators ("mañana, mañana"), fun-loving ("fiesta and siesta"), and unwilling to make an honest-to-God effort. Funny because as language reflects the character of a people, Spanish has many expressions to glorify effort and hard work, or what the English call "no pain, no gain." Let me give you a few examples and you judge and come to conclusions:
Medicina que pica, cura (sana)
El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta
No hay atajo sin trabajo
No hay miel sin hiel
El que quiere celeste que le cueste
No hay barranco sin atranco
No hay vida sin fatiga
El que no se arriesga no gana
El que quiere marrones, que aguante tirones
Culo sentado no gana bocado
El que no se arriesga no cruza la mar
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