As Spanish students have achieved low ratings from the Program(me) for International Student Assessment (PISA) in both Mathematics and Language, the present Mickey-Mouse Government of Spain has announced that it will spill 500 million euros into a remedial reading program. As announced by the Prime Minister, a reduction in teacher-student ratios in these subjects, plus aids for private tutoring, will come into effect soon. "Comprensión lectora", or reading understanding, seems to be the government's bull's eye it aims to hit. "Lengua", or Spanish as a subject, has not been discussed, as it should have been. Spanish students lack reading comprehension, speaking, and writing skills, and, above all, motivation. Foreign-language programs have not been mentioned. Will 500 million do the trick? The result of a Mickey-Mouse government administration is a Mickey-Mouse educational system. Language communication proficiency is a must in any educational system in any country and in any language.
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