I have been carrying on a love affair with the English language since I can remember. Somehow and for no reason, I took a shine to it very early in my life. When I was a kid, my father used to listen to the BBC news on the radio every day, after lunch. I would stick around and listen even though what I was hearing was way over my head. Also, my father had books in English which also were beyond my understanding, and yet, somehow, I would try to read them. I can say that I have been studying English ever since and to this day I look up words almost daily, new and old ones. A dictionary for me is a very essential tool, in the two languages I am constantly trying to improve. And, curse it, there are always new words popping up... less and less, true, but still, I have to look up some. I have lists of words and expressions noted down in my phone, in notebooks which I review every so often. When I am watching a film I have my Ipad at hand to check on a word, its meaning, or even its pronunciation, in the case of English. (Spanish doesn't have this phonetical problem). This may well be a flaw in my mental wiring but I enjoy it very much, so much that I intend to continue learning and expanding both languages in my next life. How about that?
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