People have equal ideas, feelings, emotions, and desires, that we express through language. Each language conveys those meanings in different ways that are proper for them, but, often enough native speakers seem to forget the resources their language has and reach out to import strange modes of expression. Such is the case with "en cuanto yo sé", which I have just heard on TV, a direct translation of "as far as I know." I have also heard "por lo que yo sé" as another choice for the English cliché mentioned above, instead of the genuine "que yo sepa", using the subjunctive: "David, que yo sepa, ya no está en Madrid." English uses the subjunctive sparingly and thus it is forced to employ other ways to convey ideas of doubt and uncertainty. Will "en cuanto yo sé" debunk "que yo sepa"? Eventually, I am sure, mainly because the average native speaker´s knowledge of their language is scant and they have a dearth of interest in language.
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