humble pie (crow) Cantar
la palinodia, tragárselas uno, tragar quina, tragarse uno su palabras
I had to eat humble pie and accept their conditions Tuve que cantar la palidonia y
aceptar sus condiciones
humble pie implies some acknowledgment of error, some humbleness…”
Robert Gorrell, What´s in a Word?, 2001. US.
a good piece of the pie
Llevarse (sacar) (una buena) tajada
I’ll give you the money but I want a good piece of the pie Te daré el dinero pero quiero una
buena tajada
“What happens when the client
is challenged, in good faith, when it comes to claiming a particular piece of
the pie?” The Journal of the Legal Profession, vols. 29-30, 2004. US.
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