ANGRY es una palabra universal. Todos nos enfadamos más
tarde o más temprano; todos perdemos el control de nuestras emociones, los papeles; algunos
van por la vida con una constante cara larga, enfadados, gritando y criticando. Hay muchas maneras de expresar
enfado en lengua inglesa:
To blow one’s
To blow a fuse.
To climb the wall.
To flip one’s lid.
To get mad.
To have a fit.
To hit the ceiling.
To see red.
To flip out.
To lose it.
Veamos algunas frases:
When I told Peter the money was lost, he blew his top
and began shouting.
Don’t blow a fuse now, have patience.
After three days in the hospital, I was climbing the
The man flipped his lid and started punching
When Robert gets mad, he shouts and breaks things.
Politicians make me see red.
Angry puede llevar la preposición at o with detrás, sin ninguna duda, tanto si hablamos de cosas como de personas.
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