Today, I reflected on the intriguing disparity among my students when it comes to mastering languages. Some seem naturally gifted, while others struggle despite their best efforts. This phenomenon extends beyond language learning, resonating across many aspects of life.
Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen," (muchos son los llamados y pocos los elegidos) offers a poignant lens through which to view this reality. This truth can serve as both a challenge and a comfort for those who pursue the path of language mastery, sometimes finding meager results despite their dedication.
Why do some excel while others falter under seemingly similar conditions? This remains a mystery to me.
Life, as we know, is not always fair. I have devoted my life to mastering two languages, Spanish and English, while others, often younger, boast fluency in seven or more. Yet, I harbor no regrets. The journey has been deeply enriching, and I remain committed to achieving fluency, trusting that persistent effort will eventually bear fruit.
To all lifelong learners like me: let us press on with hope and determination. The path may be arduous, but the pursuit is its own reward.
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