Two Spanish words are much in the air these festive days. "Ambiente" and "fiesta" dominate the vocabulary scene, especially at Christmas. "Me gusta ir de fiesta; esta noche vamos de fiesta; salgo de fiesta todos los sábados" are common phrases we hear. With "ambiente" we have a problem because it is difficult to define, and dictionaries do not help. In Spain, people say: "hay buen ambiente en la Plaza Mayor", or "había buen ambiente en la reunión." In both cases, "ambiente" means plenty of people and hard drinking. Perhaps drugs are also involved. "Hay mucho ambiente en la called Preciados en Madrid" can be translated to there are plenty of people on that popular street, going in and out of bars. So, "¿vamos de fiesta?" could be translated to "shall we paint the town red?" I guess I am a wet blanket and party pooper but "no voy de fiesta" and I dislike "ambientes". (By the way, "bar de ambiente" means a gay bar.) Whatever! But let me wish you a pain-free 2025 full of learning, culture, and good friends!
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