Come full circle Volver al principio, estar como antes

In actual fact, we have come full circle En realidad estamos como antes

“I also came full circle in terms of my interest in domestic workers.” Arvonne Frase et al., Developing Power…, 2004. US.

High circles Altas esferas

He works in high government circles Trabaja en altas esferas gubernamentales

“… and if the dance of her genes had revolved in high circles, she would have made a very respectable Duchess.” Janine Turner, Holding her Head High…2008. US.

Run around in circles Dar vueltas como un tonto

We are running around in circles getting nowhere Estamos dando vueltas como un tonto sin llegar a ninguna parte

“… going around in circles, like traveling in vain.” Ewa Mazierska et al., Crossing New Europe…, 2006. US.

Run in circles Dar vueltas tontamente, dar vueltas tontamente

I have a sense of running in circles without a plan Tengo la sensación de que estoy dando vueltas tontamente, sin un plan / We are running in circles getting nowhere Estamos dando vueltas como un tonto sin llegar a ninguna parte

Run rings around someone Dar cien vueltas a

Mary can run rings around all her classmates Mary les da cien vueltas a todos sus compañeros de clase

“I´ll run rings around you, my friend and I will win.” Dorothy D. Leone, Where the Herring Run…, 2006. US.

Square the circle Hacer la cuadratura del círculo

This is very complicated  It´s like trying to square the circle Esto es muy complicado  Es como hacer la cuadratura del círculo

“One cannot square the circle of being independent and accountable; it will be either one or the other.” William Cash, Against a Federal Europe, 1991. UK.

Talk in circles Marear la perdiz

I´m not buying it, you are talking in circles No me convences, estás mareando la perdiz

“… the speaker usually stops talking in circles and usually moves much more directly to the point.” Robert Bolton, People Skills, 2006. US.

Vicious circle Círculo vicioso

We are caught up in a vicious circle Estamos metidos en un círculo vicioso

“It also introduced that pernicious system, the vicious circle that has suffocated Africa cultures and ensured its under-development.”, 3 Aug 2003. S. Afr.


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