Burn the midnight oil Quemarse las cejas

Goethe burnt the midnight oil all his life, writing Goethe se quemaba las cejas escribiendo, toda su vida

“State lawmakers and the governor are burning the midnight oil.” WTNH, CT - 24 Jul 2003. USA.

Give (get) a dose of strap oil Zurrar (curtir, sacudir, cascar, calentar) la badana

If you keep on talking like that you are going to get a good dose of strap oil Si continúas hablando así te van a zurrar la badana

Oil (grease) someone´s hand (palm) Untar, engrasar

If we oil the Mayor´s hand he will sign the contract Si untamos al alcalde, firmará el contrato

Pour (throw) oil on the flames Echar leña al fuego

Don´t mention money or you´ll be pouring oil on the flames No menciones lo del dinero o echarás leña al fuego

“Careful not to throw any oil on the flames because of their invasion of Iraq, the United States gave up any idea of having China condemned.” Reporters Sans Frontièrs, 24 Jul 2003. France.

Pour oil on troubled waters Apaciguar (calmar) los ánimos, templar gaitas

I´m just trying to pour oil on troubled waters Trato de apaciguar los ánimos

“And, now Rann is back from overseas, is he pouring oil on troubled waters? Er... no - according to the state´s Labor Right...” Crikey, 13 Jul 2003. Aus.

The squeaky (squeaking) wheel gets the oil El que no llora, no mama

You must complain because the squeaky wheel gets the oil Tienes que quejarte porque el que no llora, no mama



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